AMC-in no hoarding zone siam
Sep 17, 2017
Aizawl: AMC chuan AMC Display of Advertisement & Hoarding Regulations, 2013 hnuaiah tun kar khan hriattirna a chhuah thar a, Aizawl khawpui chhunga khawlaia thuziak tar theih lohna tur a ruahman. AMC hotute atanga thudawn danin AMC Display of Advertisement & Hoarding Regulations, 2013 hnuaia registered license neite hriat atan 19th Assam Rifles Compound Retaining Wall phei zawng zawng chu Municipal Awareness leh Aizawl Beautification Hoarding tarna tur atan ruahman a ni a, he reserve site chhungah hian engmah tar phal a ni lo. Heng bakah hian AMC chuan Hoarding tar phallohna (No Hoarding Zone)-ah hmun li a puang a. Chungte chu - Aizawl Post Office, Treasury Square atanga Raj Bhavan thleng, Directorate of AH & Vety Department Office, Khatla atanga New Secretariat Complex thleng, 19th Assam Rifles Compound Retaining Wall, Dawrpui Bungkawn atanga Aizawl Post Office bul thleng leh Architechtural Control Committee, AMC-in Heritage Building & Sites atana a pawmah te a ni.

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